Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our last Family Home Evening without children

Greg and I had FHE last night and realized it was the last one we would ever have with just the two of us. So we had to capture the moment and we look a little silly :o) It was actually a pretty bitter sweet moment when we realized it. I got to thinking about all the FHE's we've had in 3.5 years and we've had a good run haha. Now it will only get more fun and maybe a little more difficult at times, but I can't imagine it being less enjoyable. He is my most favorite person in the whole world. I adore this man more than I would ever be able to fully express in words. Sometimes I worry that I will be so consumed by my children that I will forget the needs of my husband. I don't want him to ever feel neglected. I told him last night to always tell me if I'm not giving him enough attention because I want to be able to balance my time. In less than 24 hours we get to work on getting a baby here!


  1. 10 hours and 50 minutes...I am SO excited for you. You life is about to change BIG time...Only for the better. Honestly you will never ever understand how you could ever love ANYTHING so much. It is just...Unexplainable! Only the best tomorrow and remember not to squeeze those fingers together. Only touch lightly and think "happy thoughts'.

  2. That was supposed to say "your" life is about to change. LOL.

  3. thinking of you today..I"m sure you'll miss doing the dentals with me. Good luck and prayers for your rapid success. Kiss Owen for me. Joyce
