Monday, March 28, 2011

The date is set!

Greg and I went to my appointment today and I'm now dilated to 3cm, so my doc said that I now meet the requirements to be induced before I'm 41 weeks. He said I know you want to go to Provo but you can go to Payson tonight and be induced or wait until Wednesday. Greg has class and quizzes and I really don't want to go there so we said Wednesday. Bright and early Wednesday morning at like 5 am we are going to work on having a baby! I'm still hoping he decides to come on his own because I really don't want to be induced I don't think I'll be able to go natural if I am induced. Anyway we will keep you all updated!


  1. I am so excited for you guys! You will do great Lacey. Soooo happy for you two!

  2. hahahaha...Oh joey, you make me smile :o)

  3. being induced isn't that bad. I was induced for both and progressed quickly. I wanted to go natural, but I'm a pansy! But I did wait until the last possible second to get an epidural. Good luck with whatever you choose!!! I cannot wait to see pics.

  4. Very exciting! Congratulations!! Can't wait to see him!

  5. Get the epi you will enjoy it A LOT more. You will be able to remember more stuff about the delivery too. Also if your induced I would get my epi as soon as they would let me because you have to go to the bathroom every 5 min and it's more intense when you stand especially if they break your water ehhhh!
