Monday, September 5, 2011

I'm saving monkeys in this one

Another post that's UBER random...

I had a dream that I was fishing with my dad and I saw these people trying to kill monkeys so I made my dad help me save the monkeys. At one point in my dream I went up to one of the guys trying to kill the monkeys and I said, "stop trying to hurt the monkeys! see this (pointing to my fist) this will be all over your face if you don't stop." bahaha...I think I can place that in my category of weirdest dreams ever.

The only five things I will miss about utah when we leave
1. Lindsey Fromm's super sweet picture taking skills
2. Cafe Rio
3. Rock Climbing
4. Being able to walk everywhere
5. Savers (thrift store)

French Onion Soup and Twice Baked Potatoes.....It's what's for dinner tonight.
 Greg and I and I finally started a Budget! We never had one before, we just knew we weren't spending more than we make, but I wanted to have one just to have one and now it's super fun! I love having one! We give ourselves a monthly budget and it's like a game to see how much we can get for the amount we have to spend - not that we spend it just because we have it, but some months we want more or need more, so it's like a little monthly challenge and maybe I'm just lame and get a kick out of the weirdest things...

My sweet boy

He does this every morning. He fake coughs and sighs and I do it back and he'll keep doing it..

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