Thursday, December 1, 2011

Evan is 8 months!

My sweet boy is 8 months old today.
He's kind of all over the place and cares very little about the camera, so it takes many shots and lots of time to get his face in the picture haha.
He pulls himself up on everything and everyone!
He has started to walk around the table and along whatever he is holding onto.
He's getting so strong! Sometimes he stands by himself for a few seconds. I can't believe how fast he learns things. I suppose it's normal for babies. Literally, one day he needs assistance pulling himself up the next day he does it by himself. It's incredible. He knows what he wants and he usually wants it pronto. He has started pushing us away if we are in his space when he's trying to do something. It's pretty funny. I have spoiled him big time. I lay down and snuggle with him at night and sing to him until he falls asleep and then I put him in his crib, but the past couple days have called for a change. On Monday night and last night he woke up probably 5473 times in the middle of the night and wouldn't even take his pacifier...he didn't want to be alone, he wanted to be in our bed. So it's become a slight problem. I have figured out how to solve that! If I lay him in his crib and just pat his back he's fine. He just wants me there. He's such a little snuggler, I love it! right now he's sick, so we are letting him sleep with us until he feels better. Poor baby...him and I were sick right before thanksgiving and then Greg got sick and shared it with Evan and I think he's a little worse this time. He coughs like crazy :o(  

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