Friday, March 15, 2013

Baby numero 2

We're having another baby! We are super excited about it! I wanted to keep it a secret until 20 weeks (because sometimes I like to test my own patience) but Greg was way too excited to hold it in any longer...

I had a really hard time deciding if I was really ready to have another baby. I told Greg that I'm just too in love with Evan and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to be as in love with a new baby. My dear husband said, "Lacey, you're never going to love him less so putting this off isn't going to help." mmhhm yep, he's right. Anndd it was helpful to hear from other moms that they felt the same way as I did and they indeed were madly in love with baby #2, so there's no need to fear! So, we got pregnant with this baby way faster than I was expecting and I fell in love at our 8 week ultrasound. It's not any less amazing seeing your second baby on the ultrasound for the first time than seeing the first. It felt so surreal all over again. 

This pregnancy has been a lot easier than Evan's during the first trimester. I was unbelievably tired with him (and also working full time and getting up at 4:45 am everyday) and way more nauseous than I have been this time. This time I'm not nearly as tired and my nausea would come between 10am and 3pm and if I just ate mints it would make it go away for a bit. My nausea was gone at 11 weeks with Evan and this one had lingered a little longer but it's slowly starting to stop.

Cravings- FRUIT. Oh. my. goodness. I cannot get enough fruit.
Aversion- chocolate the thought makes me ill...and chicken.

Call me crazy, but I am 99.9% positive I felt this baby move for like 20 seconds already. Now I totally understand what people mean when they say it feels like butterflies. With Evan I just felt big pokes and jabs at 16 weeks and on.

Anyway, here's me

3.5 weeks pregnant and just found out on Jan 16th

8 weeks (feeling fluffy...I remember feeling like this with Evan at this point too)

12 weeks still no bump, but I can feel my uterus about 2 inches below my belly button (I didn't show with Evan until 20 weeks and it was just a teeny little bump then, so who knows what will happen this time.)
you guys I have 16 more work days in these stupid scrubs and then I get to be a stay at home momma! 


  1. Grandma and Grandpa Barcus cannot wait : )

  2. WooHoo!!!!!! Number 10 is on the way CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!

  3. You are still skinnier than I am! Congrats to all 3 of you!

  4. I'm so excited for you!! :) Congratulations!

  5. Congratulations Lacey! Any guesses if it is a boy or girl?
