Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our Secret is out.... I'm growing a human!

Greg and I have had a secret for quite some time now. We had a doctor appointment today and I decided this was the appointment I wanted to tell everyone that we are pregnant! I am 16 weeks pregnant and it has gone so great this time! I haven't had a single problem, so hopefully it stays that way!

I had brought a pregnancy test home fr0m work and I decided I wasn't going to tell Greg that I was taking one because I didn't want him to get his hopes up and then it be nothing. I woke up early on July 20th and took the test and sure enough there it was two beautiful pink lines! I woke Greg up and told him and then sobbed uncontrollably. I had so many emotions all one time it was a little overwhelming. He tried to comfort me and tell me not to worry and oddly enough after that morning I hadn't worried since... I think it was just the initial shock of it all, because I didn't think there was any possible way I could be pregnant...because I got sick right around the time I was ovulating and well you know....there wasn't much happening between Greg and I haha (I hope that wasn't too graphic) Anyway after that morning I just felt like this time everything was going to be fine. So far so good :o)

From about 6weeks to 10 weeks I was soooo unbelievably tired I honestly thought there was something wrong like my iron was low or something. My doctor said my iron was fine and it was just the pregnancy. I knew a certain amount of fatigue was normal in pregnancy but I no joke could have slept 24hrs a day without a problem... I had just started working in the OR during this time and it made it so hard to learn I felt so ignorant because I was so tired I couldn't think straight. I had nausea quite a bit too but it only lasted for a few weeks.

By 11weeks I started feeling like a normal human again and it made me nervous because I was afraid my HCG was low because I wasn't quite 13 weeks yet which is when the preg symptoms start to slow down for many women, but my doc wasn't concerned at all. This time around if my doc says I'm good I just believe him and it's actually made this pregnancy much more enjoyable and a lot less stressful, but I also haven't spotted a lick like I did with the first so that helps keep the paranoia to a mininum.

Now I am 16 weeks and today at the appointment my doc said, "I think your having a boy the heart rate is about 130bpm and that's boy range." haha so we will see.... Greg and I have both had dreams that the baby is a boy, but we will find out for sure in 4 weeks!

I'm at work so I need to end this, but I will for sure keep you updated!


  1. Yeah Lacey I'm so happy for you and Greg. Congrats. I hope it's a boy they are fun lol. Keep us updated on the sex.

  2. haha.. I will for sure keep you updated... 4 more weeks and we will know... I could try and find out now but my insurance won't cover it, so we are waiting :o)

  3. Babies are so fun! congrats! You are simply the cutest little pregnant lady I have ever seen. Couldn't have happened to better people. So excited for you!

  4. So, so, so, exciting!! That is the best news!!
