Saturday, September 7, 2013

Oh, this pregnancy...

Ok, so I really can't complain...This pregnancy has been relatively the same as Evan's except for the last week. I've started to swell. What?! I drink water like a fish! At least 80 oz a day. I'm gaining fluid like a boss! 3lbs in a week! My doc reassured me that he's 100% confident it's fluid. My blood pressure is steadily rising, but nothing drastic so they aren't worried about it and I haven't gained 5 lbs of fluid in a week and until I do there are no worries there either. The nurse in me is a little paranoid, but I have a very comforting feeling about everything and I trust my docs. Sometimes, I have cankles. Always I have pitting edema in my lower legs. And Always my pelvis and hips hurt. They think our girl is laying on some nerves which is causing the pain and which is the reason one leg swells more than another, but who really knows. There are some things about Pregnancy that will always be a mystery. Like how I dilated like a boss with Evan, but this one not so much. Aren't seconds supposed to come faster? Well, not always. Greg got his work sched for the beginning of October and he's going to be out of town from Oct 2nd-the 4th and then home for the weekend and then gone again from the 7th-11th. So, If I go a week late he'll be home and we'll be out of the hospital for 2 days before he goes out of town for work. That's not cool! So, we are trying to decide if we are going to go the induction route. I at least want to get to my due date and see what my progression is and then if by my due date I haven't done anything then we'll probably do it. I chatted with my doc about yesterday and he said that because I want it to be an un-medicated delivery that there are several more natural options that we can do that don't involve pitocin and that work really well, so that's good. Who knows what will happen. With Evan I was 1 cm dilated for 3 weeks and then all of a sudden I was 3 cm, maybe she'll be the same!? We just can't wait to meet her and I keep having dreams of her little face :o) I'm all sorts of anxious and a little stressed about it. I did this with Evan because it's like literally, any minute I could totally go into labor. I probably won't, but it's cool to know I could! I just really hope I'm not grocery shopping and my water breaks...I guess I would just leave my cart full of groceries in the aisle? haha I think about these things....In good news my iron levels are great this time!

This blog
I must say, I'm pretty much over it. I'll probably post about our little one's birth but after that I'm not so sure I'll keep it up and if I do it will be few and far between. It served it's purpose for my family when we were in Utah and although I do have friends that follow...I just don't have a lot of time to get on here and update and when I do have time I don't want to :o)

We start the official house hunt Wednesday! 

This is me a week ago...I don't feel like I look any different this week, except for the cankles bahaha

My doc said I'm measuring like she will weigh about the same as Evan 7 lb 4 oz...honestly, I don't buy all that we know how much your baby weighs because they are hardly ever right (even with ultrasound) and when they are I feel like it was a lucky guess.

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